
Synthetic Long White Lace Front Wavy Wig

$56.99 $68.00 now piece
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white lace front wig
lace front white wig - white lace front wig

white wavy wig

white wavy wig for a girl is going to be one of those show-stopping styles that helps turn her into a fashionista. Whether you want it as an everyday fashion accent, or for a costume or some sort, this long white wig is going to be the best way to do it.  Why?  Because you can do virtually anything that you want to with it.  The long wavy length makes it impressively easy to style, and the gentle wave offers up a splash of depth and bounce that will make it great for those who really like to enjoy some unique styles.  This has got everything you need in a bright white shade that will certainly impress.

Tags: lace front white wig, white lace front wig, white wavy wig

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